Strollers for a Cause - Fighting to End Human Trafficking

What is Human Trafficking? 

Human Trafficking is organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled + exploited (as being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor)

 How 4 Humanity Baby Products is helping to combat Human Trafficking 

Our focus is around child trafficking and female trafficking. With the sale of each item, we are donating 10% of our proceeds to charities that are actively fighting this battle.

Charities We Work With

Compass 31 an international non-profit organization that combats human trafficking through prevention, restoration and leadership development. With a passion for empowering those that have experienced exploitation, Compass 31 has restoration projects operating in four countries.

The Teen Project - this nonprofit charity provides healing and hope to the young women who have survived human trafficking and homelessness and are currently or have overcome it. Several of these women enter into these worlds after being in the foster care system. The Teen Project provides programs focused on drug treatment, psychotherapy, life skills, and higher education. 

Casa Teresa - Casa Teresa provides pregnant women over the age of 18, that are in crisis a loving home in order to begin their healing journey. Casa Teresa ensures that the needs that must be fulfilled by these women are met by adding new programs and services continuously. They have also opened the Emergency Maternity Shelter which caters specifically to women struggling with chronic homelessness, substance abuse, and other intensive issues. Educational classes, case management, and other supportive services are available as well.


How You Can Make a Difference 

Your purchase helps in the fight against trafficking and also helps those who are victims of human trafficking find a voice and a home. Your purchase allows for them to have food on the table, school supplies, housing, prenatal care, and so much more. 

Want to get more involved than just 4 Humanity Baby Products purchase? Reach out to us on social media or via to learn how you can make a difference!